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Graduate Statistics

80% of the eighth graduates have attended a four year university or college or a community college.

98% of the eighth graduates have graduated from a four year high school.


Our Graduates Excel

  Barbara Lulay Bryan, Ph.D.
Currently raising her twin sons

Instructor at Reed College, Portland, OR

Ph.D. in Chemistry
University of California at Berkeley
Presented a portion of her Doctoral thesis in France
Invitational Symposium of Discoveries


  Major General Julie A. Bentz, Ph.D.

Director for Strategic Capabilities Policy
National Security Staff
White House, Washington DC

University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering



  Joseph Duman, Ph. D.
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX

Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology
University of California at Berkeley

Outstanding Teaching Award
University of California at Berkeley

Procter and Gamble Professional Opportunity Award
Gastric Intestinal Physiology

  Rick Cowlishaw Ph.D.
Professor of Biology
Southwestern College
Winfield, KS

Ph.D. in Marine Biology
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon



  Charles J. Bentz, MD., F.A.C.P.
Instructor, Department of Medicine Faculty Practice: Providence/St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Oregon

Medical Director, Health Service Research at the Center for outcome Research Education (CORE): Providence Health system, Oregon Province

Medical Director, Tobacco Cessation and Prevention: Providence Health System, Oregon Province

Associate medical Director, School of Physician Assistance Studies: Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon

President, Physicians for Compassionate Care

Associate Professor, Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics: Oregon Health Science University, Portland, Oregon

Board of Trustees: Fransciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, Ohio

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Lourdes Public Charter School - 39059 Jordan Rd - Scio, Oregon 97374 - 503-394-3340